Hi, I'm Mac Goodwin
I'm an MComp Computer Science student at the University of Sheffield
I'm a driven and ambitious student who loves creating - whether it's software or learning resources
I'm especially interested in cybersecurity, formal logic, and the intersection between the two. In the 2021-22 academic year I will be completing a Dissertation project in this field using Isabelle for modelling
In the 2020-2021 academic year I completed a Year in Industry in public-sector Cybersecurity, and gained a lot of Software Engineering experience along the way
In my spare time I run the Sheffield Ethical Student Hackers society. I love creating Cybersecurity learning material, and I am currently working towards my OSCP Certification
In my spare time I enjoy writing, running, scouting, and board and card games. I'll occasionally take part in a related competition (I even won one recently)
I write mostly poetry, and some short stories. You can see my most recently published work here

I built this website myself, coded in Jekyll and hosted with Netlify. You can view the code on GitHub here, as well as my other projects